India Created History ๐ฎ๐ณ Chandrayan 3 Launch Date : 14th July 2023

India turns out to be fourth country to arrive on the moon, first on the south pole, with Chandrayaan-3 rocket Chandrayan 3 Launch Date : 14th July 2023 Chandrayan 3 Landing Date : 23rd August 2023 Total Time : Over 40 Days India Created History ๐ฎ๐ณ Historical Moment Proud Moment๐ฎ♂️๐ฎ๐ณ Indian Space Research Organisation's (ISRO) third Moon Mission Chandrayaan 3 has successfully landed on the moon today. With this moon mission, India created history as India became the first country to successfully reach the moon's south pole. #Chandrayan3Mission #chandrayan3 #chandrayan3landing #india Central issues India marked new case as a public superpower in space, handling its Chandrayaan-3 mission securely on the moon's neglected south pole on Wednesday. "This achievement has a place with all of mankind," Indian Head of the state Narendra Modi said. The accomplishment makes India the fourth nation - after the then-Soviet Association, the U.S. also, China - to arrive o...