USA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ must visit place Super hero for kids

Hero, an imaginary legend — broadly promoted in comic books and funny cartoons, TV and film, and mainstream society and computer games — whose unprecedented or "godlike" powers are many times shown in a battle against wrongdoing and grouped antiheroes, who thus frequently show godlike capacities. Superman was the first broadly hailed superhuman, showing up in real life Comics #1 in June 1938, and he was the model for the many costumed superheroes that followed. Superheroes and comic books — like the mechanisms of radio, film, and TV that would so influence their set of experiences — generally created in the US through American mainstream society and afterward spread to the world, and the historical backdrop of their headway and business achievement have been characterized by a few "ages": the Brilliant Age (1938-54), the Silver Age (1956-69), the Bronze Age (1970-80), the Late Bronze Age (1980-84), and the Cutting edge Age (1985-present).

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